Work-Life Balance

Work-Life Balance

Are you struggling to find a balance between your home life and the hours you put in at the office? You're not alone. Many people find it difficult to create a healthy work-life balance, but working with a professional coach can help. At Enviro Coaching, Novena Riojas offers virtual coaching throughout the United States to help clients live their happiest, healthiest, lives in and out of the office. Let's take a look at some ways you can support the development of a healthy work-life balance. 

1. Set Clear Boundaries

Define your work hours and stick to your boundaries. Setting a time that you'll stop working each day (including checking your work phone or emails) and communicating that schedule to your supervisor can be the first step toward creating and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

2. Prioritize and Schedule

Scheduling time to relax is just as important as scheduling time to work. At the beginning of each week, take some time to plan out errands and other must-do activities—and don't forget that taking time for yourself is a must-do.

3. Pace Yourself

It's key to take time for yourself both throughout the workday and in the hours after work. Stepping away from your work for a few minutes multiple times during the day can help to prevent burnout and refresh your mind. 

4. Learn to Say No

It's OK to decline work commitments if they're too demanding on your schedule, or they're reducing your personal time. Prioritize your well-being to avoid overextending yourself. 

5. Get Help

In today's fast-paced world, it can feel nearly impossible to say no to starting tomorrow's to-do list today. Working with a life coaching or professional coaching specialist can help you sort through work and career issues that are affecting your overall happiness.

Enviro Coaching: Providing Work-Life Balance Coaching Across the U.S.

At Enviro Coaching, Novena Riojas is here to provide professional coaching and life coaching services for clients across the country. Reach out today to 516-368-9116 to learn more and set up your first appointment.

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